
• 论著(预防医学) • 上一篇    下一篇


李洮庭1, 唐 仁2, 廖和平2, 宋西明2, 周安政2, 谭 涛2, 钟晓妮1   

  1. 1.重庆医科大学 公共卫生与管理学院卫生统计教研室, 重庆 400016; 2.奉节县疾病预防控制中心, 重庆 404600
  • 出版日期:2013-11-28 发布日期:2013-12-03
  • 通讯作者: 钟晓妮, 电子信箱: zxn66@vip.sina.com。
  • 作者简介:李洮庭(1988—), 男, 硕士生; 电子信箱: litaoting1988@163.com。

Assessment of nutrition and health status of residents in poor areas of Chongqing

LI Tao-ting1, TANG Ren2, LIAO He-ping2, SONG Xi-ming2, ZHOU An-zheng2, TAN Tao2, ZHONG Xiao-ni1   

  1. 1.Department of Biostatistics, School of Public Health and Management, Chongqing Medical University, Chongqing 400016, China; 2.Fengjie Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Chongqing 404600, China
  • Online:2013-11-28 Published:2013-12-03


目的 了解重庆市贫困地区人群的营养健康状况。方法 采用与人口成比例抽样(PPS),对重庆某贫困地区家庭进行抽样问卷调查和医学检查及实验室检查。结果 重庆市贫困地区成年居民营养不良率、超重率和肥胖率分别为5.37%、22.07%和6.59%,儿童青少年营养不良率、超重率和肥胖率较高,分别为11.06%、8.94%和7.66%;营养相关疾病患病率较高,贫血患病率为6.90%;高血压患病率20.67%;糖尿病和空腹血糖受损患病率分别为8.92%与4.11%,均高于2002年全国居民患病率。结论 重庆市贫困地区的营养健康状况不容忽视,儿童青少年超重和肥胖问题、老年人健康问题和营养相关慢性疾病将是今后面临的重要公共卫生问题。

关键词: 贫困地区, 营养状况, 健康状况, 评价


Objective To assess the nutrition and health status of residents in poor areas of Chongqing, China. Methods Probability proportional sampling (PPS) method was used. Each sampling household was asked with questionnaires and given medical examinations and laboratory tests. Results In poor areas of Chongqing, the adult residents malnutrition, overweight, and obesity rates were 5.37%, 22.07% and 6.59%, respectively. Malnutrition, overweight, and obesity rates in children and adolescents were came to a high level for 11.06%, 8.94%, and 7.66%, respectively. Nutrition-related diseases prevalence stood a high level with anemia prevalence of 6.90%, hypertension prevalence of 20.67%, diabetes and impaired fasting glucose prevalence of 8.92% and 4.11%, respectively, which were all higher than the prevalences of the Chinese population in 2002. Conclusion The nutrition and health status in poor areas of Chongqing are urgent. The problem of overweight and obesity in children and adolescents and the elderly nutrition-related health problems and chronic diseases will be an important public health problem in the future.

Key words: poor areas, nutrition status, health status, assessment