
• 论著(公共卫生) • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 上海交通大学 公共卫生学院,上海 200025
  • 出版日期:2017-01-28 发布日期:2017-01-19
  • 通讯作者: 蔡美琴,电子信箱:caimeiqin@sjtu.edu.cn。
  • 作者简介:黄珍茹(1990—),女,硕士生;电子信箱:hzhenru@163.com。

Investigation on school lunch and nutritional status in primary schools and middle schools of Shanghai

HUANG Zhen-ru, GAO Run-ying, ZHANG Ya-li, BAWUERJIANG·Nadila, CAI Mei-qin   

  1. Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Public Health, Shanghai 200025, China
  • Online:2017-01-28 Published:2017-01-19


目的 ·了解上海市中小学生在校午餐摄入情况及营养状况,为制定营养午餐配餐指导意见提供基础数据。方法 ·运用分层整群随机抽样,抽取上海市小学3所、初中3所、高中1所,共5 322人,采用现场称重法进行连续3 d的午餐摄入量调查,并从学校保健室处获得学生身高、体质量数据。结果 ·供应量方面,学校午餐肉蛋类供应过多,水产类较少。实际摄入方面,小学、初中生仅肉蛋类达到推荐值,高中生摄入则相对均衡。3个阶段的共同问题是蔬菜摄入均未达标。小学生的午餐摄入情况不佳,低年级更甚;初、高中女生较男生摄入达标情况更差。学生午餐摄入脂肪供能比过高,维生素A、维生素B2、钙及铁的摄入依然不足;而学生的营养状况也呈现消瘦与肥胖并存的现象,消瘦率达11.4%,超重/肥胖率达21.4%。结论 ·上海市中小学生的午餐摄入还存在一些问题,营养状况分布呈双峰现象;建议制定午餐指导意见时应更多地关注调查中出现的水产类稀缺、蔬菜类摄入少的问题。

关键词: 学生, 学校午餐, 摄入, 营养状况, 标准


Objective · To evaluate the students’ lunch intake and nutritional status in primary schools and middle schools of Shanghai, providing evidence for later revise of nutritious lunch guidance. Methods · The stratified cluster random sampling was applied, and 3 primary schools, 3 junior high schools and 1 senior high school, totally 5 322 students were included for 3-day food weight survey. Their height and weight were obtained from school health center. Results · Supply for meat and eggs was excessive while supply for sea food was insufficient. Food intake of students from primary schools and junior high schools was inadequate except for meat and eggs. High school students were better performed in the food intake. What all students shared in common was that the vegetable intake was very low. Intake for primary school students was unsatisfying even worse for the lower grades. Girls in middle schools had worse nutrition intake than boys. The proportion of fat in total energy was too high while the intake of Vitamin A, Vitamin B2, calcium and iron was in shortage. Meanwhile, the overall wasting percentage was 11.4%, and the overweight/obesity percentage was 21.4%, exhibiting a dual problem of nutritional status. Conclusion · There still remained some problems in lunch intake and nutritional status. Therefore, the insufficient supply of sea food and inadequate intake of vegetable should be paid more attention when revising the guidance of school lunch.

Key words: students, school lunch, intake, nutritional status, standard