网络出版日期: 2014-09-26
Analysis of efficiency of health resource allocation of Chongqing in 2012
Online published: 2014-09-26
Supported by
Regional Health Planning for Health Reform Development balanced Urban-Rural in Chongqing, CHSR1
目的 通过分层次对重庆市卫生资源配置效率进行研究,深入剖析不同层次卫生资源配置效率并提出发展建议,为区域卫生规划提供依据。方法 采用数据包络分析(DEA)方法中的BCC模型对2012年重庆市38个区县医疗卫生机构、市级医疗机构和乡镇卫生院的2项投入指标(病床数和卫生技术人员数)和2项产出指标(入院人数和总诊疗人次数)进行效率分析。结果 重庆市医疗卫生资源配置效率整体不高,主城9区医疗卫生机构和乡镇卫生院DEA相对有效区为5个和6个,非主城区县医疗卫生机构和乡镇卫生院DEA相对有效率为21%和35%,市级医疗机构为33%。结论 重庆市卫生资源分布不均衡,整体效率不高,主城区卫生资源配置效率较高,非主城区卫生资源配置效率较低,市级医疗机构卫生资源配置效率较低,部分地区投入冗余与利用不充分同时存在,应加大区域卫生规划以实现卫生资源合理利用。
邹钦培 , 钟晓妮 , 邓 晶 , 等 . 2012年重庆市医疗卫生资源配置效率分析[J]. 上海交通大学学报(医学版), 2014 , 34(9) : 1396 . DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-8115.2014.09.027
Objective To deeply analyze the efficiency of different allocations of health resources, to propose advices for the development, and to provide evidences for regional health planning by studying the efficiency of the allocation of health resources in Chongqing from different levels. Methods Two input indexes (numbers of beds and medical technicians) and two output indexes (numbers of inpatients and total visits) of district and county medical institutions, municipal medical institutions, and town hospitals in 38 counties of Chongqing in 2012 were analyzed by the BCC model of data envelopment analysis (DEA) method for the efficiency of the allocation of health resources. Results The overall efficiency of the allocation of health resources of Chongqing was low. The numbers of relatively effective regions for DEA of medical institutions in 9 main urban areas and town hospitals were 5 and 6. The relatively effective rates for DEA of other districts and counties medical institutions, municipal medical institutions, and town hospitals were 21%, 33%, and 35%. Conclusion The allocation of health resources of Chongqing is unbalanced. The overall efficiency is low. The efficiency of the allocation of health resources in urban areas is relatively high. The efficiency of the allocation of health resources of medical institutions in suburb areas and municipal medical institutions is low. Input redundancy and insufficient utilization coexist in some areas. Regional health planning should be enhanced to realize the reasonable utilization of health resources.
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