

  • 上海交通大学 1.护理学院, 上海 200025; 医学院附属第九人民医院 2.麻醉科, 3.护理部, 上海 200011
胡嘉乐(1987—), 男, 硕士生; 电子信箱: 65311273@qq.com。

网络出版日期: 2013-05-28



Identification of core competencies of anesthesia nursing in China with Delphi method

  • 1.School of Nursing, Shanghai Jiaotong University, Shanghai 200025, China; 2.Department of Anesthesia, the Ninth People´s Hospital, Shanghai Jiaotong University School of Medicine, Shanghai 200011, China; 3.Department of Nursing, the Ninth People´s Hospital, Shanghai Jiaotong University School of Medicine, Shanghai 200011, China

Online published: 2013-05-28

Supported by

Foundation of Shanghai Jiaotong University School of Medicine, Jyh1112


目的 构建国内麻醉专科护师胜任麻醉专科护理实践所应具备的核心能力标准。方法 通过理论分析、文献回顾、专家访谈及行为事件访谈法等方法构建麻醉专科护师核心能力初稿,并运用Delphi专家咨询明确麻醉专科护师核心能力的维度、条目及指标。结果 共经历两轮Delphi专家咨询,入选专家20名。两轮专家咨询问卷有效率均为100%,专家权威程度系数0.84,专家协调系数检验P<0.05。两轮专家咨询共提出60条建议,被采纳51条。最终明确国内麻醉专科护师核心能力标准,包括3个维度、14个条目、43个指标。结论 在国内首次明确麻醉专科护师胜任麻醉专科护理实践所应具备的核心能力,该能力范围聚焦于直接麻醉护理照护,内容不仅注重知识与技能,也强调情感等隐性能力。


胡嘉乐, 姜 虹, 王惠芬, 等 . 运用Delphi法构建国内麻醉专科护师核心能力[J]. 上海交通大学学报(医学版), 2013 , 33(5) : 587 . DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-8115.2013.05.015


Objective To identify the core competencies for anesthesia nurses to fulfill the scope of practice for anesthesia nursing in China. Methods The draft of core competencies of anesthesia nursing was made with theoretical analysis, literature review, expert semi-structured interview and behavioral event interview, and the ultimate content of core competencies of anesthesia nursing was established by Delphi method. Results There were two rounds of Delphi consultation, with 20 experts involved. The effective rate of questionnaire was 100%, the creditability value was 0.84, and the P value of coordination coefficient test was less than 0.05. There were 60 recommendations from the experts, and 51 were accepted. The content of core competencies of anesthesia nursing was ultimately established, including 3 dimensions, 14 items and 43 indexes. Conclusion The core competencies of anesthesia nursing is established for the first time in China, the scope concentrates on the direct anesthesia nursing care, and the content focuses on not only the knowledge and skills, but also the attitude.

