王斐, 龚艳, 许丽雅, 刘庆旭, 李妍, 郭盛, 李嫔

Effect of short-term GnRH pulse therapy on pituitary-testicular function in adolescent male patients with congenital hypogonadotropic hypogonadism
WANG Fei, GONG Yan, XU Liya, LIU Qingxu, LI Yan, GUO Sheng, LI Pin
图2 CHH患者持续GnRH脉冲治疗3个月期间LH、FSH和睾酮水平的变化 (n=5)
Note: A. LH base value. B. LH peak value. C. FSH base value. D. FSH peak value. E. Testosterone level. P=0.023,P=0.005, P=0.014, P=0.012, P=0.006, P=0.022, P=0.004, P=0.045, compared with the level before GnRH pulse therapy.
Fig 2 Changes of LH, FSH and testosterone levels in the adolescent boys with CHH during the continuous GnRH pulse therapy for 3 months (n=5)