薛淋淋, 李秉翰, 常丽仙, 李卫昆, 刘春云, 刘立

Construction and evaluation of a nomogram prediction model for bacterial infection in patients with decompensated hepatitis C cirrhosis
XUE Linlin, LI Binghan, CHANG Lixian, LI Weikun, LIU Chunyun, LIU Li
图1 丙肝肝硬化失代偿期患者发生细菌感染的LASSO回归模型
Note: A. Path diagram of regression coefficient. The upper abscissas was the number of variables with non-zero coefficients in the model at this time, the lower abscissas was the logarithm of the penalty coefficient (λ), and the ordinate was the value of the coefficient. B. Cross-verification curve of LASSO regression. The upper and lower abscissas were the same as Fig A, and the ordinate was likelihood bias. The dotted line on the left of Fig B indicates the number of variables corresponding to the minimum λ (when the model has the highest fitting effect), and the number of variables was 14. The dotted line on the right indicates one standard error of the least λ (when the model has better fitting effect, fewer and simpler variables are included), and the number of variables was 7.
Fig 1 LASSO regression model of bacterial infection in patients with decompensated hepatitis C cirrhosis