薛淋淋, 李秉翰, 常丽仙, 李卫昆, 刘春云, 刘立

Construction and evaluation of a nomogram prediction model for bacterial infection in patients with decompensated hepatitis C cirrhosis
XUE Linlin, LI Binghan, CHANG Lixian, LI Weikun, LIU Chunyun, LIU Li
表1 2组丙肝肝硬化失代偿期患者基线资料比较
Tab 1 Baseline data comparison between the two groups of patients with decompensated hepatitis C cirrhosis
ItemNon-bacterial infection group (n=411)

Bacterial infection group


χ2 /Z valueP value
Age≥60 years/n (%)32 (7.8)24 (14.7)6.2830.012
Gender/n (%)6.3810.012
Male304 (74.0)105 (64.4)
Female107 (26.0)58 (35.6)
Complication on admission/n (%)
Diabetes74 (16.9)20 (12.0)2.8030.094
Hypertension107 (24.4)5 (3.0)1.9260.588
Upper gastrointestinal Hemorrhage19 (4.3)4 (2.4)1.4270.232
Ascites113 (25.7)81 (48.5)28.0730.000
Hepatorenal syndrome7 (1.6)5 (3.0)1.0610.303
Hepatic encephalopathy21 (4.8)10 (6.0)0.2400.624
Portal hypertensive Gastroenteropathy74 (16.9)24 (14.4)0.6730.412
Hyperammonemia24 (5.5)18 (10.8)4.6600.031
History of invasive procedures in the last two weeks/n (%)29 (7.1)23 (14.1)7.0500.008
Infusing human serum albumin/n (%)134 (32.6)24(14.7)18.7030.000
Laboratory index
WBC/(×109·L-14.0 (3.0, 5.2)4.6 (3.6, 6.2)-3.9200.000
RBC/(×109·L-14.0 (3.2, 4.8)3.8 (3.0, 4.5)-1.8580.063
PLT/(×109·L-176.0 (52.0, 110.0)71.0 (47.0, 104.0)-0.9170.359
NEUT/(×109·L-12.3 (1.6, 3.3)3.0 (2.1, 4.4)-4.7300.000
HGB/(g·L-1124.0 (101.0, 145.0)121.3 (90.0, 145.0)-1.8170.069
TP/(g·L-168.0 (60.8, 72.8)66.3 (58.2, 70.5)-3.1070.002
ALB/(g·L-132.9 (28.0, 38.7)30.5 (24.9, 35.0)-4.2800.000
PA/(mg·L-1114.9 (93.1, 134.7)114.9 (76.6, 115.0)-2.8700.004
GPT/(U·L-139.0 (24.0, 64.0)36.0 (23.0, 59.0)-1.5090.131
GOT/(U·L-159.0 (36.0, 94.0)59.0 (36.0, 94.0)-0.6080.543
TBIL/(μmol·L-128.3 (18.0, 45.5)36.0 (19.9, 69.4)-2.7280.006
TAG/(mmol·L-11.2 (0.7, 4.1)1.1 (0.7, 4.1)-0.4960.620
CHOL/(mmol·L-13.3 (2.7, 3.9)3.2 (2.4, 3.4)-4.0810.000
HDL-C/(mmol·L-11.4 (1.0, 1.9)1.3 (0.9, 1.4)-3.5810.000
LDL-C/(mmol·L-11.3 (0.8, 1.6)1.3 (0.8, 1.6)-0.8720.383
UR/(mmol·L-14.7 (3.4, 6.3)5.3 (3.6, 7.4)-1.5900.112
CREA/(mmol·L-165.0 (54.0, 79.0)71.0 (55.0, 90.0)-3.1000.002
UA/(μmol·L-1354.0 (276.0, 443.0)366.0 (303.0, 447.0)-0.9040.366
LDH/(U·L-1210.1 (156.0, 231.0)210.1 (159.0, 252.0)-1.7320.083
PT/s15.1 (13.1, 16.8)15.1 (10.3, 17.8)-0.3930.694
PTA/%58.0 (42.0, 71.0)54.7 (20.3, 68.0)-1.9370.053
INR1.3 (1.2, 1.5)1.3 (1.2, 1.6)-2.7080.007
AFP/(ng·mL-110.2 (5.2, 26.3)8.7 (3.8, 1 476.3)-0.0730.942
ALP/(U·L-1133.0 (99.0, 200.6)143.0 (98.0, 200.6)-0.8060.420
IL-6/(pg·mL-121.0 (8.4, 64.5)62.7 (23.1, 64.5)-5.9080.000
C1q/(mg·L-1170.0 (142.0, 190.0)164.7 (140.0, 177.0)-1.8780.060
hs-CRP/(mg·L-15.3 (0.8, 11.8)4.2 (0.8, 11.8)-0.6390.523
Hospitalization time ≥2 weeks/n (%)177 (43.1)95 (58.3)10.8390.001