张漪蓉, 魏玮庆, 马皎, 张雪

Research on the role of SOX9 in regulating metabolic reprogramming in diffuse large B cell lymphoma
ZHANG Yirong, WEI Weiqing, MA Jiao, ZHANG Xue
图4 SOX9 表达差异对GCB亚型DLBCL代谢通路的调控
Note: A. Volcano plot of differential expression analysis. B. Representative GESA plots with hallmark and KEGG as reference gene sets. C/D. Change of glycolysis was confirmed by qPCR analysis in Karpas-422 (C) and OCI-LY1 (D) cell line. P=0.000, P=0.006, P=0.016, P=0.002, P=0.003, P=0.254, P=0.036, P=0.716, P=0.496, P=0.129. E/F. Change of glycolysis was confirmed by Western blotting analysis in Karpas-422 (E) and OCI-LY1 (F) cell line.
Fig 4 Regulation of metabolic pathways by SOX9 in GCB-DLBCL