高雄, 张秋霞, 杨苗苗, 罗玮, 王月刚, 修建成

Causal relationship between atrial fibrillation and cognitive impairment: a Mendelian randomization study
GAO Xiong, ZHANG Qiuxia, YANG Miaomiao, LUO Wei, WANG Yuegang, XIU Jiancheng
图1 孟德尔随机化研究设计
Note: Assumption 1—Genetic variants were robustly associated with exposure. Assumption 2—Genetic variants were not associated with confounders. Assumption 3—Genetic variants affected the outcomes only through the exposure of interest. SNPs—single nucleotide polymorphisms. LD—linkage disequilibrium. WR—Wald ratio; WM—weighted median.
Fig 1 Overview of the current Mendelian randomization (MR) study