王志明, 童冉, 杨晨, 焦慧媛, 王一好, 李林颖, 王烨欣, 张丰, 李令杰

Quantitative analysis of the developmental potential of cells and tissues based on evolutionary conservation of genes and regulatory regions
WANG Zhiming, TONG Ran, YANG Chen, JIAO Huiyuan, WANG Yihao, LI Linying, WANG Yexin, ZHANG Feng, LI Lingjie
表3 三胚层和相应多种器官中超级增强子、超级增强子元件和普通增强子的数量
Tab 3 Numbers of SEs, SE elements and TEs in three germ layers and corresponding organs
Tissue typeSE/nSE element/nTE/n
Ectoderm8395 07874 570
Brain8255 65450 322
Spinal cord9426 36267 360
Skin1 39012 67973 065
Mesoderm5084 05479 411
Heart115111 05072 112
Spleen1 71215 58178 865
Skeletal Muscle1 49612 53480 847
Endoderm6713 77057 547
Liver7773 42443 749
Lung5384 30457 040
Pancreas1 65716 47594 829