王志明, 童冉, 杨晨, 焦慧媛, 王一好, 李林颖, 王烨欣, 张丰, 李令杰

Quantitative analysis of the developmental potential of cells and tissues based on evolutionary conservation of genes and regulatory regions
WANG Zhiming, TONG Ran, YANG Chen, JIAO Huiyuan, WANG Yihao, LI Linying, WANG Yexin, ZHANG Feng, LI Lingjie
表5 三胚层及相关器官超级增强子元件与普通增强子的保守性评分统计
Tab 5 CSs of SE elements and TEs in three germ layers and corresponding organs
CSEctoderm developmentMesoderm developmentEndoderm development
EctodermBrainSkinSpinal cordMesodermHeartSkeletal muscleSpleenEndodermLiverLungPancreas
P value0.0010.0000.0000.0000.2060.0000.0000.0000.0000.0000.0000.000
Fold change1.310.310.840.841.180.470.830.721.250.550.820.83