刘砚燕, 杨田田, 沈南平, 何梦雪, 张洪燕

Latent profile analysis of multiple symptom distress in children and adolescents with cancer and its effect on their physical activity
LIU Yanyan, YANG Tiantian, SHEN Nanping, HE Mengxue, ZHANG Hongyan
表2 儿童青少年癌症患者症状发生率及困扰程度
Tab 2 Symptoms incidence rates and distress scores of children and adolescents with cancer
SymptomNumber of occurrence



Distress score/point
Lack of energy14386.71 (1, 2)
Nausea12777.01 (1, 2)
Lack of appetite11670.32 (2, 3)
Sweat10865.51 (1, 2)
Pain10764.81 (1, 2)
Sleepy9054.51 (1, 2)
Difficuly in concentrating9054.51 (1, 1)
Hair loss8551.52 (1, 3)
Cough8350.31 (1, 2)
Vomiting8149.11 (1, 2)
Dry mouth8048.51 (1, 2)
Weight loss8048.51 (1, 2)