人工耳蜗植入术后CT影像学评估的临床价值及进展 |
顾文汐, 贾欢, 吴皓 |
Clinical values and advances in computed tomography evaluation after cochlear implantation |
GU Wenxi, JIA Huan, WU Hao |
图1 利用影像浏览器中的3D MPR模式分析人工耳蜗电极植入深度角 Note: A. Sagittal view; the blue line passing the cochlear turn at 90° and 270°. B. Axial view; the blue line passing the center of round window (0?) and cochlear turn at 180?; an extra-cochlear electrode (red arrow). C. Coronal view showing the full length of the electrode array; insertion depth angle of the electrode array was 348? with the center of the axes at the center of the cochlea modiolus. Black arrow—the most apical electrode; RW—round window. |
Fig 1 Insertion depth angle determined by the 3D MPR mode in medical image viewers |