人工耳蜗植入术后CT影像学评估的临床价值及进展 |
顾文汐, 贾欢, 吴皓 |
Clinical values and advances in computed tomography evaluation after cochlear implantation |
GU Wenxi, JIA Huan, WU Hao |
图2 影像浏览器中分析电极相对于基底膜的位置 Note: A. Electrodes in the scala tympani. B. Electrodes in the scala vestibuli. C. Unable to determine the electrode array positioning. The red dotted lines mark the basal turns of cochlea and the blue dotted lines mark the middle of the basilar turns, i.e., the basal membranes. When the electrodes were above the blue line, they were supposed to be in the scala vestibuli; when they were below the blue line, they were supposed to be in the scala tympani. |
Fig 2 Analysis of the electrode arrays positioning relative to the basilar membrane in medical image viewers |