杨万里, 宋娟, 李兵, 劳一敏

Deciphering the suppressive effects of CBX8 on prostate cancer cell invasion
YANG Wanli, SONG Juan, LI Bing, LAO Yimin
图2 敲低 CBX8 对前列腺癌细胞增殖、侵袭能力的影响
Note:A. Western blotting analysis demonstrating the expression levels of CBX8 after its stable knockdown in DU145 cell line. Selected cell lines for subsequent experiments are marked with red box. B. Effects of CBX8 knockdown on the proliferation of DU145 cell line were evaluated via CCK8 assay. C. The impact of CBX8 knockdown on the invasive potential of DU145 cell line was depicted by the Transwell invasion assay. Scale bar=100 μm. D. Statistical analysis derived from the aforementioned Transwell invasion assay results. ns—no statistical significance.
Fig 2 Effects of knocking down of CBX8 on the proliferation and invasion ability of prostate cancer cells