白龙, 夏翔, 曹晖, 张子臻

Progress in application of peritoneal lavage fluid circulating tumor DNA to predicting peritoneal metastasis of gastrointestinal cancer
BAI Long, XIA Xiang, CAO Hui, ZHANG Zizhen
表1 胃癌患者腹腔灌洗液中基因甲基化检测相关研究
Tab 1 Detection of gene methylation in peritoneal lavage fluid in gastric cancer patients
LiteratureNo. of patientsDetecting techniqueTarget site of DNAPositive result in PLF/%(n)Prediction of peritoneal recurrence
HIRAKI[45]80Real-time methylation-specific PCRCHFR, E-cadherin, BNIP319% (6/31)2 of 5 patients with multigene methylation showed peritoneal recurrence after surgery
HIRAKI[46]107Real-time methylation-specific PCRBNIP3,CHFR,CYP1B1,MINT25,RASSF2,SFRP220% (9/45)3 of 9 patients carrying positive methylation experienced peritoneal recurrence
YU[47]92Real-time methylation-specific PCRCDH1 methylation48.9% (45/92)CDH1 methylation correlated significantly with distant metastasis (P<0.005)
HAN[48]92Real-time methylation-specific PCRMethylated MINT290.2% (37/41)Levels of methylated MINT2 DNA in PLF was significantly different between patients with and without peritoneal metastasis (P<0.000 1)
YU[49]92Real-time methylation-specific PCRTIMP-3 methylation53.3% (49/92)TIMP-3 hypermethylation in PLF (γ=0.804, P<0.001) was closely correlated with positive PLF cytology
HU[50]92Quantitative methylation-specific PCRMethylated THBS158.7% (54/92)

Accuracy 63.0% (34/54),

Sensitivity 87.2% (34/39),

Specificity 100% (34/34)