郑小雁, 王星云, 张拥军

Improvement of alveolarization arrest in newborn rats with bronchopulmonary dysplasia via inhibiting alveolar epithelial cell pyroptosis
ZHENG Xiaoyan, WANG Xingyun, ZHANG Yongjun
图3 NSA对新生鼠肺部病理状态和 IL-1β mRNA表达的影响
Note:A. The representative lung sections stained with H-E staining. B. The quantification of the terminal air spaces of lung tissues from newborn rats. C. The quantification of the secondary septa of lung tissues from newborn rats. D. The quantification of the MLI of lung tissues from newborn rats. E. Comparison of IL-1β mRNA among the groups. P=0.000, compared with the control group; P=0.031, P=0.049, P=0.002, P=0.040, P=0.020, P=0.024, P =0.026, P =0.014, compared with the BPD group.
Fig 3 Effects of NSA on lung pathology and expression of IL-1β mRNA in newborn rats