刘小红, 王亚娜, 焦秦, 程瑜

Observation on the therapeutic effect of intraorbital injection of compound betamethasone on the treatment of IgG4-related ophthalmic disease
LIU Xiaohong, WANG Yanuo, JIAO Qin, CHENG Yu
表2 IgG4-ROD患者治疗1个月后眼球检查情况
Tab 2 Conditions of the eyeball after 1 month's treatment
ItemCase 1Case 2Case 3Case 4
Corrected visual acuity (R/L)0.7/0.60.9/0.81.2/1.21.0/1.0
NCT (R/L)/mmHg13.6/12.517.6/18.214.3/15.416.2/14.8
ConjunctivaHyperaemia (-), chemosis (-)Hyperaemia (-)Hyperaemia (-)Hyperaemia (-)
Anterior segmentBilateral mild nuclear sclerosisBilateral mild nuclear sclerosis(-)(-)
Optic discNo swelling(-)(-)(-)
Exophthalmus (R/L)/mm14/1415/1416/1615/15