洪晗馨, 王龙昊, 刘辉辉, 彭浒, 吴皓, 杨涛

Construction of translocase of inner mitochondrial membrane 8A gene knockout mice and study of its inner ear function
HONG Hanxin, WANG Longhao, LIU Huihui, PENG Hu, WU Hao, YANG Tao
图4 Timm8a-/- 小鼠与WT小鼠的内耳病理形态学分析
Note: A. Observation of the structural morphology of inner ear in Timm8a-/- mice and WT mice. B. Comparison of the number of SGN cells between Timm8a-/- mice and WT mice. SGN cells per 1 000 μm2 were counted C. Comparison of SV thickness between Timm8a-/- mice and WT mice.
Fig 4 Pathological analysis of inner ear between Timm8a-/- mice and WT mice