冯琳鸿, 王亚琨, 吴茜茜, 朱迎春, 白寿军

Clinical analysis of rituximab for adult refractory primary membranous nephropathy
FENG Linhong, WANG Yakun, WU Qianqian, ZHU Yingchun, BAI Shoujun
表1 18例难治性PMN患者免疫抑制剂治疗前后的临床特征比较
Tab 1 Comparison of clinical characteristics of 18 patients with refractory PMN before and after immunosuppressant treatment
IndicatorBefore immunosuppressant treatmentAfter immunosuppressant treatmentP value
Serum creatinine/(µmol·L-1)76.78±18.45101.00±48.230.484
UPCR/(mg·g-1)2 504.50 (1 653.85, 4 414.72)2 954.00 (1 458.00, 7 260.75)0.031