冯琳鸿, 王亚琨, 吴茜茜, 朱迎春, 白寿军

Clinical analysis of rituximab for adult refractory primary membranous nephropathy
FENG Linhong, WANG Yakun, WU Qianqian, ZHU Yingchun, BAI Shoujun
表4 18例难治性PMN患者接受RTX治疗前后指标变化
Tab 4 Changes of indicators before and after RTX treatment in 18 patients with refractory PMN
IndicatorBefore RTX

1 month

after RTX

3 months

after RTX

6 months

after RTX

Last follow-up

after RTX

Serum creatinine/(µmol·L-1)101.00±48.2393.63±25.4487.03±21.0985.33±27.2489.39±42.08
UPCR/(mg·g-1)2 954.00 (1 458.00, 7 260.75)

1 780.55(989.00,

3 457.98)

1 780.00 (1 032.00, 3 357.87)

1 360.00 (870.32,

4 395.00)

863.30 (203.20,

2 291.75)

PLA2R antibody/(RU·mL-1)168.40±88.4079.00±90.2270.85±38.0361.98±45.0144.32±33.71
Peripheral blood B cell count/(cell·µL-1)246.40±239.987.10±12.15-69.09±52.7037.89±12.43
Level of total IgG/(g·L-1)6.40±1.363.78±0.984.06±0.545.56±0.656.16±1.40