张寅, 吴贤, 谢炳銮, 王奕

Experience of laparoscopic ultrasound-guided ablation of diaphragmatic liver tumors
ZHANG Yin, WU Xian, XIE Bingluan, WANG Yi
表1 手术前后血生化指标和白细胞水平的变化(n=13)
Tab 1 Changes of blood biochemical indexes and white blood cells level before and after operation (n=13)
ItemPreoperativePostoperativet/Z valueP value
White blood cell/(×109·L-1)4.9±1.08.7±2.56.4370.000
Direct bilirubin/(μmol·L-1)7.8 (11.9, 19.5)5.4 (8.8, 23.5)1.1530.249
Alkaline phosphatase/(U·L-1)63.5 (78.0, 94.5)60.5 (84.0, 103.0)0.4900.624
Alanine transaminase/(U·L-1)15.0 (22.0, 77.5)69.0 (135.0, 371.0)2.4810.013
Creatinine/(μmol·L-1)51.0 (56.0, 69.0)50.5 (57.0, 68.5)0.9810.327