徐一丹, 张骞仁, 卢星宇, 董艳

Effect of maternal high-fat diet on placental phenotype in mice
XU Yidan, ZHANG Qianren, LU Xingyu, DONG Yan
图3 2组母鼠胎盘结构改变
Note:A. H-E staining sections of the placentas in the two groups. Dotted lines divided different placental zones. JZ—junction zone; LZ—labyrinth zone. B. ImageJ calculated the area proportion of placental labyrinth zone. C. H-E staining sections of the placentas were taken to observe the structure of LZ of the placentas in the two groups (* representing maternal blood sinuses, ▲ representing trophoblast cells, →← representing intervascular membranes). P=0.009.
Fig 3 Changes of placental structure in the two groups