沈力, 黄亨烨, 于广军

Current status of neurodevelopmental outcomes and its influencing factors of early-to-moderate preterm infants at corrected age of 18 months
SHEN Li, HUANG Hengye, YU Guangjun
表1 神经发育正常组和迟缓组早产儿临床指标比较
Tab 1 Comparison of clinical variables of preterm infants between the normal neurodevelopment group and the neurodevelopmental retardation group
VariableTotal (n=929)Normal neurodevelopment group (n=782)Neurodevelopmental retardation group (n=147)t/z/χ2 valueP value
Boy527 (56.7)428 (54.7)99 (67.3)
Girl402 (43.3)354 (45.3)48 (32.7)
Gestational age/week31.06±2.2331.10±2.1830.81±2.461.2110.140
Extremely preterm infant/n(%)138 (14.9)107 (13.7)31 (21.1)5.3650.021
Birth weight/kg1.61 (1.32, 1.91)1.64 (1.35, 1.93)1.50 (1.24, 1.80)2.4120.016
Birth weight/n(%)3.5180.172
Normal birth weight40 (4.3)33 (4.2)7 (4.8)
Low birth weight439 (47.3)381 (48.7)58 (39.5)
Extremely low birth weight303 (32.6)248 (31.7)55 (37.4)
Missing147 (15.8)120 (15.3)27 (18.4)
Body length/cm42.0 (39.0, 44.8)42.0 (39.0, 45.0)42.0 (38.0, 44.0)1.2980.194
Delivery mode/n(%)13.2110.000
Vaginal delivery709 (76.3)614 (78.5)95 (64.6)
Cesarean delivery220 (23.7)168 (21.5)52 (35.4)
Intrauterine distress/n(%)24 (2.6)13 (1.7)11 (7.5)16.6580.000
Respiratory failure of newborn/n(%)237 (25.5)191 (24.4)46 (31.3)3.0710.080
Apnea of newborn/n(%)83 (8.9)70 (9.0)13 (8.8)0.0020.966
Pneumonia of newborn/n(%)308 (33.2)260 (33.2)48 (32.7)0.0200.888
Purulent meningitis of newborn/n(%)40 (4.3)35 (4.5)5 (3.4)0.3470.556
Hyperbilirubinemia of newborn/n(%)447 (48.1)374 (47.8)73 (49.7)0.1670.683