沈力, 黄亨烨, 于广军

Current status of neurodevelopmental outcomes and its influencing factors of early-to-moderate preterm infants at corrected age of 18 months
SHEN Li, HUANG Hengye, YU Guangjun
表2 神经发育正常组和迟缓组早产儿父母临床指标比较
Tab 2 Comparison of clinical variables for parents of preterm infants between the normal neurodevelopment group and the neurodevelopmental retardation group
VariableTotal (n=929)Normal neurodevelopment group (n=782)Neurodevelopmental retardation group (n=147)z/χ2 valueP value
Maternal age/year31.0 (28.0, 34.0)31.0 (28.0, 34.0)31.0 (28.0, 34.0)0.1610.872
Parental smoking/n(%)179 (19.3)145 (18.5)34 (23.1)1.6740.196
Maternal alcohol consumption/n(%)4 (0.4)4 (0.5)0 (0)0.7550.855
Father's chronic illness/n(%)33 (3.6)25 (3.2)8 (5.4)1.8210.177
Mother's chronic illness/n(%)43 (4.6)34 (4.3)9 (6.1)0.8830.347
Gestational hypertension/n(%)48 (5.2)37 (4.7)11 (7.5)1.9120.167
Gestational diabetes mellitus/n(%)95 (10.2)76 (9.7)19 (12.9)1.3860.239
Thyroid disease during pregnancy/n(%)44 (4.7)33 (4.2)11 (7.5)2.9200.087
Anemia during pregnancy/n(%)36 (3.9)27 (3.5)9 (6.1)2.3680.124
Placenta previa/n(%)15 (1.6)14 (1.8)1 (0.7)0.3880.533
Abruptio placentae/n(%)9 (1.0)9 (1.2)0 (0)0.7190.396
Abnormal fetal position/n(%)5 (0.5)5 (0.6)0 (0)0.1280.721
Number of prenatal tests≥8/n(%)363 (39.1)307 (39.3)56 (38.1)0.0700.791
Tertiary hospital maternity examination/n(%)401 (43.2)331 (42.3)70 (47.6)1.4120.235