沈力, 黄亨烨, 于广军

Current status of neurodevelopmental outcomes and its influencing factors of early-to-moderate preterm infants at corrected age of 18 months
SHEN Li, HUANG Hengye, YU Guangjun
表3 早产儿GDS各能区异常情况比较
Tab 3 Comparison of abnormality rates by GDS scores in preterm infants
AbnormalityTotal (n=929)Normal neurodevelopment group (n=782)Neurodevelopmental retardation group (n=147)χ2 valueP value
Gross motor/n(%)69 (7.4)20 (2.6)49 (33.3)170.4550.000
Fine motor/n(%)90 (9.7)19 (2.4)71 (48.3)297.5680.000
Language/n(%)166 (17.9)80 (10.2)86 (58.5)196.4810.000
Adaptive behavior/n(%)132 (14.2)33 (4.2)99 (67.3)404.5180.000
Personal-social behavior/n(%)127 (13.7)31 (4.0)96 (65.3)394.5270.000