何萍, 邵飞雪, 郭丽丽, 李克婷, 毛笑园, 包怡榕, 王磊

Preliminary study of pelvic floor structural changes in early and middle pregnant women with cervical incompetence
HE Ping, SHAO Feixue, GUO Lili, LI Keting, MAO Xiaoyuan, BAO Yirong, WANG Lei
表1 2组孕妇的临床特征比较
Tab 1 Comparison of clinical characteristics between two groups of pregnant women
ItemCIC group (n=39)Control group (n=37)t/χ2 valueP value
Gestational age/week22.68±5.0716.11±6.56-4.2070.000
Urinary incontinence/n(%)9 (23.07)5 (13.51)1.1560.219
Funneling of internal urethral orifice/n(%)4 (10.25)0 (0)4.0060.064