陆一凡, 张蔚蒨, 俞创奇

Clinical analysis and ultrasound study of allergy-related obstructive parotitis
LU Yifan, ZHANG Weiqian, YU Chuangqi
表1 AROP患者的临床特点及实验室检查(n=37)
Tab 1 Clinical characteristics and laboratory examination of AROP patients (n=37)
Gender/n (%)
Male9 (24.3)
Female28 (75.7)
Age/year46.0 (41.0, 53.0)
Duration of disease/year3.0 (2.0, 5.0)
Affected parotid gland/n (%)
Unilateral18 (48.6)
Bilateral19 (51.4)
Symptom/n (%)
Swelling37 (100.0)
Itch23 (62.2)
Mucus plug26 (70.3)
Pain5 (13.5)
Allergic history/n (%)32 (86.5)
Raised IgE/n (%)22 (59.5)
Raised PBE/n (%)16 (43.2)