陈旭卓, 毛懿, 袁丹, 张善勇, 杨驰

Development and application of Chinese customized total temporomandibular joint prosthesis
CHEN Xuzhuo, MAO Yi, YUAN Dan, ZHANG Shanyong, YANG Chi
表13代国产定制型全TMJ假体与TMJ Concepts定制型假体的对比
Tab 1 Comparison between the third generation of Chinese customized total TMJ prosthesis and customized TMJ Concepts prosthesis
TypeDesigning and manufactureTechnology for fossa component connectionGeneral procedurePrice
TMJ ConceptsWax-up and rapid machining with prolonged period of designing and manufacture

Melting connection with the maximum connected force of

1 725 N

Repetitive confirmation for wax-up and prosthesis, which takes 7 to 8 weeks to get the final product150 000 yuan per side
Chinese customized prosthesis

Utilization of virtual surgical planning,

3D printing and CAD/CAM with reduced period of designing and manufacture

Friction stir welding with the maximum connected force of

5 020 N

Chinese customized prosthesis was designed and

approved in a totally digital approach, which takes 3 to 4 weeks to get the final product

Expected 50 000 yuan per side