朱晓晨, 谢欣宜, 赵旭日, 徐丽娜, 何智妍, 周薇

Construction and characterization of mice with conditional knockout of Stat3 gene in microglia
ZHU Xiaochen, XIE Xinyi, ZHAO Xuri, XU Lina, HE Zhiyan, ZHOU Wei
图2 小鼠基因型鉴定结果
Note: A/B. Cx3cr1 creERT2 and Stat3fl/fl genotype identification results of F1 generation mice, respectively. C/D. Cx3cr1 creERT2 and Stat3fl/fl genotype identification results of F2 generation mice, respectively. E/F. Cx3cr1 creERT2 and Stat3fl/fl genotype identification results of F3 generation mice, respectively.
Fig2 Genotype identification of mice