司昱琪, 雒如燕, 陈天真, 王立卉, 钟娜, 江海峰, 赵敏

Behavioral and eye movement study of attention bias to alcohol-related cues in male alcohol-dependent patients and correlation analysis of psychological factors
SI Yuqi, LUO Ruyan, CHEN Tianzhen, WANG Lihui, ZHONG Na, JIANG Haifeng, ZHAO Min
表1 2组对象一般资料比较
Tab 1 Comparison of demographic characteristics between two groups of objects
GroupAlcohol-dependent group (n=29)Healthy control group (n=29)t/χ2 valueP value
Marriage (married)/n(%)21 (72.4)26 (89.7)6.690.151
Job (employment)/n(%)21 (72.4)24 (82.8)4.880.767