杜少倩, 陶梦玉, 曹源, 王红霞, 胡孝渠, 范广建, 臧丽娟

CXCL9 expression in breast cancer and its correlation with the characteristics of tumor immunoinfiltration
DU Shaoqian, TAO Mengyu, CAO Yuan, WANG Hongxia, HU Xiaoqu, FAN Guangjian, ZANG Lijuan
图1 乳腺癌TMETIIC亚群的差异分析
Note: A. Proportions of 22 TIIC subgroups in the microenvironment of breast cancer and adjacent tissues. B. Comparison of the distributions of TIIC subgroups in breast cancer tissues and adjacent tissues by heatmap (P=0.010, P=0.001, P>0.05). C. Differential analysis of 22 types of TIICs in different molecular types of breast cancer (P=0.010, P=0.001, P>0.05).
Fig 1 Differential analysis of TIIC subgroups in breast cancer TME