骆梦醒, 邹欣, 高雅娴, 吴小翠, 余方友, 胡洋, 曾奇兵, 刘忠华

Analysis of the effect of anti-tuberculosis treatment and lung injury in patients with tuberculosis combined with underlying disease
LUO Mengxing, ZOU Xin, GAO Yaxian, WU Xiaocui, YU Fangyou, HU Yang, ZENG Qibing, LIU Zhonghua
表6 诊断时有、无合并症的结核患者肺部空洞的比较 [n(%)]
Tab 6 Comparison of pulmonary cavities in tuberculosis patients with and without complications at diagnosis [n(%)]
GroupCavityχ2 value



GroupCavityχ2 valueP value
TB with/without complications10.3230.001TB with/without liver disease1.3690.242
Without72 (26.0)205 (74.0)Without72 (26.0)205 (74.0)
With70 (40.5)103 (59.5)With27 (32.5)56 (67.5)
TB with/without diabetes32.6100.000TB with/without kidney disease5.9680.015
Without72 (26.0)205 (74.0)Without72 (26.0)205 (74.0)
With33 (67.4)16 (32.6)With16 (45.7)19 (54.3)
TB with/without hypertension0.0000.992TB with/without gallbladder disease3.5890.088
Without72 (26.0)205 (74.0)Without72 (26.0)205 (74.0)
With6 (26.1)17 (73.9)With8 (47.1)9 (52.9)