郑国培, 曹骎, 沈键锋

Structural analysis of full-length lysine acetyltransferase 7 by cryo-electron microscopy
ZHENG Guopei, CAO Qin, SHEN Jianfeng
图1 KAT7的表达与纯化
Note: A. KAT7 recombinant protein expression plasmid construction. GST-KAT7 recombinant protein expression plasmid containing GST protein tag with TEV protease restriction site was constructed by using PGEX-4T1 plasmid. B. Expression and purification of GST-KAT7 protein. The recombinant protein GST-KAT7 was expressed by Escherichia coli. BL21 (DE3), and the protein was purified by using GST affinity chromatography, while expressing the GST tag alone was taken as a negative control. C. Purification of KAT7 protein using volume exclusion chromatography. The KAT7 protein after excision of the GST tag was purified by using volume exclusion chromatography HiLoad 16/600 Superdex 75 pg, and peak samples were collected. D. KAT7 samples were separated by SDS-PAGE and determined by Coomassie brilliant blue staining, and the gels were photographed by using visualizer. E. Western blotting assay was performed on KAT7 samples to determine the purity and specificity.
Fig 1 Expression and purification of KAT7