七氟烷抑制新生小鼠前额叶皮质神经祖细胞向神经元分化发育 |
刘思雨, 张磊 |
Sevoflurane inhibits the differentiation and development of neural progenitor cells into neurons in the prefrontal cortex of newborn mice |
LIU Siyu, ZHANG Lei |
图4 新生小鼠七氟烷麻醉后PFC细胞转录因子变化 Note: A. AUCell values of Egr1. B. AUCell values of Sox7. C. AUCell values of Hes6. D. AUCell values of Nkx2-1. ①P=0.000, ②P=0.009. ns—not significant. |
Fig 4 Transcription factor changes in PFC cells in neonatal mice after sevoflurane anesthesia |