七氟烷抑制新生小鼠前额叶皮质神经祖细胞向神经元分化发育 |
刘思雨, 张磊 |
Sevoflurane inhibits the differentiation and development of neural progenitor cells into neurons in the prefrontal cortex of newborn mice |
LIU Siyu, ZHANG Lei |
图8 七氟烷麻醉后新生小鼠PFC神经元谱系细胞BEAM分析热图 Note: Left: heat map of top 1 000 genes that determine cell fate. Middle: top 15 enrichment entries of the 1 000 genes that determine cell fate in the GO-BP database. Right: heat map of Beam analysis of genes with significant differences in PFC neurons after sevoflurane anesthesia. The horizontal axis represents the proposed time, and the vertical axis represents the clustering of genes. The early developmental cluster included PIPC1?3, the mid-developmental cluster included IPC1?2, and the late developmental cluster included CRC, NRGN+ IN, and PyN. |
Fig 8 BEAM analysis heat map of PFC neuronal lineage cells in neonatal mice after sevoflurane anesthesia |