患者有特定的进食要求(如糖尿病饮食、过敏性饮食)吗? [Does the patient have specific dietary requirements (e.g. diabetes, allergy)?] | 0.210 | 0.002 |
患者有鼻胃管或胃造口术喂养管吗? (Is there a nasogastric or gastrostomy feeding tube?) | 0.391 | 0.000 |
患者有营养补充剂医嘱吗? (Is the patient prescribed for nutritional supplements?) | 0.136 | 0.043 |
有观察到患者有进食障碍或患者有进食障碍史吗? (Does the patient have been observed to have eating disorder or have a history of eating disorder?) | 0.626 | 0.000 |
患者经常拒绝吃饭或者一天内只吃一顿主餐吗? (Does the patient often refuse to eat or eat only one main meal a day?) | 0.486 | 0.000 |
患者经常都没有吃完一半的食物吗? (Does the patient often fail to eat at least half of their serving at most mealtimes?) | 0.607 | 0.000 |
患者经常拒绝喝水或无法把水喝完吗? (Does the patient often refuse to drink water or fail to finish it?) | 0.734 | 0.000 |
患者有咀嚼或吞咽困难吗? (Does the patient have any chewing or swallowing difficulties?) | 0.545 | 0.000 |
患者有恶心、不自主呕吐或腹泻吗? (Does the patient suffer from nausea, involuntary vomiting or diarrhea?) | 0.490 | 0.000 |
患者不愿吃某类食物(例如乳制品、水果和蔬菜)吗? [Does the patient not want to eat certain foods (e.g. dairy products, fruit & vegetables)?] | 0.111 | 0.100 |