罗晨, 沈玲, 王传伟, 顾佳妮, 王瑾, 赵黎, 黄帅

Current status and influencing factors of early mobilization of patients undergoing laparoscopic radical resection of colorectal cancer
LUO Chen, SHEN Ling, WANG Chuanwei, GU Jiani, WANG Jin, ZHAO Li, HUANG Shuai
表2 未早期下床组与早期下床组相关资料比较
Tab 2 Comparison of relevant factors between the non-early mobilization group and the early mobilization group

Non-early mobilization

group (n=230)

Early mobilization

group (n=47)

χ2/t valueP value
Male136 (59.13)33 (70.21)
Female94 (40.87)14 (29.79)
<60 years old63 (27.39)21 (44.68)
60‒69 years old96 (41.74)17 (36.17)
≥70 years old71 (30.87)9 (19.15)
Education level/n(%)0.7780.378
Junior high school and below119 (51.74)21 (44.68)
Senior high school and above111 (48.26)26 (55.32)
Medical insurance payment method/n(%)1.5950.451
Urban medical insurance185 (80.43)34 (72.34)
Rural medical insurance37 (16.09)11 (23.40)
Self-payment8 (3.48)2 (4.26)
Marital status/n(%)2.1200.548
Married220 (95.65)47 (100.00)
Unmarried6 (2.61)0 (0)
Divorced2 (0.87)0 (0)
Widowed2 (0.87)0 (0)
Place of abode/n(%)0.3980.528
Town190 (82.61)37 (78.72)
Village40 (17.39)10 (21.28)
Underlying disease/n(%)0.0490.825
No89 (38.70)19 (40.43)
Yes141 (61.30)28 (59.57)
Preoperative NRS 2002 score/n (%)0.6620.416
<3 points209 (90.87)45 (95.74)
≥3 points21 (9.13)2 (4.26)
Preoperative BMI/n(%)0.6020.740
<18.5 kg·m-217 (7.39)2 (4.26)
18.5‒24.0 kg·m-2132 (57.39)28 (59.57)
>24.0 kg·m-281 (35.22)17 (36.17)
Preoperative Hb level/n(%)4.5940.032
Low81 (35.22)9 (19.15)
Normal149 (64.78)38 (80.85)
Preoperative albumin level/n(%)0.8540.355
Low130 (56.52)30 (63.83)
Normal100 (43.48)17 (36.17)
Preoperative platelet level/(×109 L-1)217.61±76.89215.47±60.110.1800.857
Cardiac function/n(%)0.1160.943
13 (5.65)3 (6.38)
189 (82.17)39 (82.98)
28 (12.17)5 (10.64)
3 (1.30)0 (0)
87 (37.83)18 (38.30)
140 (60.87)29 (61.70)
Anesthesia duration/h3.73±0.953.36±0.922.6010.010
Number of indwelling catheters/n3.04±0.802.75±0.872.2360.026
Stopping ECG monitor within 24 h after surgery/n(%)1.5570.212
No20 (8.70)1 (2.13)
Yes210 (91.30)46 (97.87)
Stopping venous PCA within 24 h after surgery/n(%)2.4040.121
No189 (82.17)34 (72.34)
Yes41 (17.83)13 (27.66)
Nausea and vomiting within 24 h after surgery/n(%)1.1230.289
No169 (73.48)38 (80.85)
Yes61 (26.52)9 (19.15)
VAS within 24 h after surgery/point0.95±1.650.75±1.530.7810.436