罗晨, 沈玲, 王传伟, 顾佳妮, 王瑾, 赵黎, 黄帅

Current status and influencing factors of early mobilization of patients undergoing laparoscopic radical resection of colorectal cancer
LUO Chen, SHEN Ling, WANG Chuanwei, GU Jiani, WANG Jin, ZHAO Li, HUANG Shuai
表3 未早期下床组与早期下床组术后恢复指标比较
Tab 3 Comparison of postoperative recovery indicators between the non-early mobilization group and the early mobilization group
Postoperative recovery indicatorNon-early mobilization group (n=230)Early mobilization group (n=47)χ2 valueP value
Initial exhaust time/n(%)4.7520.029
<24 h49 (21.30)17 (36.17)
≥24 h181 (78.70)30 (63.83)
Initial defecation time/n(%)3.8090.049
<72 h106 (46.09)29 (61.70)
≥72 h124 (53.91)18 (38.30)
Postoperative length of stay/n(%)5.6500.017
≤7 d15 (6.52)8 (17.02)
>7 d215 (93.48)39 (82.98)