李冬凉, 王甦平, 何豪, 王炳顺, 周良

Analysis on the existing problems and improving approaches to the clinical research talents team cultivation in China
LI Dongliang, WANG Suping, HE Hao, WANG Bingshun, ZHOU Liang
图2 制约临床研究人才建设的影响因素的帕累托图
Note: A. Managers have insufficient understanding of the importance of clinical research. B. There is a shortage of clinical research talents, and the current personnel are lack of clinical research ability. C. The current performance evaluation system is monotonous, meanwhile the salary and incentive are not profit able for clinical research. D. In the existing evaluation and employment system, there is no clinical research professional title, and medical personnel engaged in clinical research and support staff lack promotion channels. E. The lack of research culture of collaboration and sharing makes it difficult to form a strong clinical research cooperation team. F. Others.
Fig 2 Pareto diagram of influential factors restricting the construction of clinical research talents