李冬凉, 王甦平, 何豪, 王炳顺, 周良

Analysis on the existing problems and improving approaches to the clinical research talents team cultivation in China
LI Dongliang, WANG Suping, HE Hao, WANG Bingshun, ZHOU Liang
图5 临床研究人才队伍扩充关键途径的帕累托图
Note: A. Recruiting clinical research practitioners with relevant qualifications from the society, and carrying short-term training. B. Increasing clinical research courses in the training of medical statistics, preventive medicine, clinical nursing, medical laboratory and other related majors. C. Increasing the enrollment of clinical research methodology, and cultivating clinical research professionals. D. Setting clinical research degree points to attract and cultivate graduate level clinical research methodology talents. E. Setting special clinical research posts, improving the professional title evaluation and employment scheme, and improving the career stability of clinical researchers. F. Others.
Fig 5 Pareto diagram of key approaches to expand clinical research talents