李冬凉, 王甦平, 何豪, 王炳顺, 周良

Analysis on the existing problems and improving approaches to the clinical research talents team cultivation in China
LI Dongliang, WANG Suping, HE Hao, WANG Bingshun, ZHOU Liang
表4 调查对象对临床研究人才类型的缺乏程度的评价统计
Tab 4 Statistics of respondents′ evaluation on the lack of clinical research talent type
Lack of talent typeNo.1/nNo.2/nNo.3/nNo.4/nNo.5/nNo.6/nRanking average score/scoreFinal ranking
Research physician2775040282115.31
Clinical research methodology talent (such as statistician)11515175311704.82
Full time scientific researcher999353417014.33
Research nurse1234503.34
Project management coordinator1234562.75