李冬凉, 王甦平, 何豪, 王炳顺, 周良

Analysis on the existing problems and improving approaches to the clinical research talents team cultivation in China
LI Dongliang, WANG Suping, HE Hao, WANG Bingshun, ZHOU Liang
表5 临床研究人才培养方式的选择及统计
Tab 5 Selection and statistics of the training methods for clinical research talents
ItemRespondents (n=579)/n (%)Ranking
Adding clinical research-related courses in the school training stage of doctors and nurses323 (55.8)1
Guiding new people and helping them in teams by tutors with clinical research experience287 (49.6)2
Carrying out short-term on-the-job training and teaching with cases279 (48.2)3
Participating in high-level and standardized clinical research projects208 (35.9)4
Conducting expert forums to promote peer exchanges180 (31.1)5
Joint training with enterprises with clinical research experience, and short-term exchange of talents148 (25.6)6
Others2 (0.3)7