江全鑫, 陈素贞, 刘军力

Research progress in ceruloplasmin regulation of lipid metabolism homeostasis
JIANG Quanxin, CHEN Suzhen, LIU Junli
图2 肝脏中Cp调控脂质代谢示意图
Note: STEAP—six-transmembrane epithelial antigen of prostate; Cp—ceruloplasmin; Ctr1—copper transporter 1; ATP7A—ATP-dependent copper transporter 7A; Atox1—antioxidant 1; SCO1—synthesis of cytochrome C oxidase 1; AMPKα—AMP-activated protein kinase-α; LKB1—liver kinase B1; ATP7B—ATP-dependent copper transporter 7B; TGN—trans-Golgi network; ROS—reactive oxygen species; FAO—fatty acid oxidation; PGC1α— peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-γ coactivator-1α.
Fig 2 Schematic diagram of Cp regulation of lipid metabolism in the liver