周海霞, 张靖

Research progress of m6A methylation modification in regulating tumor immunity
ZHOU Haixia, ZHANG Jing
表1 m6A修饰对固有免疫细胞的调控作用
Tab 1 Role of m6A modifications in innate immune cells
Immune cellm6A regulatorTypeRelated factorFunctionReference
DCMETTL3WriterCD40, CD80 and TirapPositively correlates with DC maturation and function in promoting T-cell activation[11]
YTHDF1ReaderLysosomal proteasesNegatively correlates with cross-presentation of engulfed tumour neoantigens[13]
YTHDF2Readerlnc-Dpf3Positively correlates with DC migration[12]
NKMETTL3WriterSHP-2Positively correlates antitumor immunity of NK cells[15]
YTHDF2ReaderTardbPositively correlates with NK cell antitumor activity as well as NK cell homeostasis and maturation[16]
TAMMETTL3WriterSTAT1, STAT3Positively correlates with M1 macrophage polarization[20-21]
YTHDF2ReaderSTAT1Negatively correlates with macrophage reprogramming and antitumor immunity[22]
MonocyteMETTL3WriterPGC-1αPositively correlates with monocyte differentiation into different types of macrophages[25]
NeutrophilWTAPWriterENO1Positively correlates with tumor glycolysis mediated by C5aR1-positive neutrophils[27]
FTOEraserZEB1Positively correlates with senescent neutrophils-mediated chemoresistance in breast cancer[28]
MDSCMETTL3WriterBHLHE41Positively correlates with MDSC migration[30]
YTHDF1ReaderEZH2Positively correlates with MDSC recruitment and activation[31]
γδ T cellMETTL3WriterSTAT1Positively correlates with equilibrate γδ T1 and γδ T17 cells[34]
ALKBH5EraserJagged1/Notch2Negatively correlates with proliferation and differentiation of γδ T cell precursors[33]
Mast cellMETTL3WriterIL-13Negatively correlates with inflammatory responses of mast cells[38]