周海霞, 张靖

Research progress of m6A methylation modification in regulating tumor immunity
ZHOU Haixia, ZHANG Jing
表2 m6A修饰对适应性免疫细胞的调控作用
Tab 2 Role of m6A modifications in adaptive immune cells
Immune cellm6A regulatorTypeRelated factorFunctionReference
CD4+ T cellMETTL3WriterSOCSPositively correlates with proliferation and differentiation of T cells[42]
ALKBH5EraserIFN-γ, CXCL2Positively correlates with Th1 cell activation[43]
Treg cellMETTL3WriterSOCSPositively correlates with sustaining Treg suppressive functions[45]
METTL14WriterRORγtPositively correlates with Tregs differentiation[44]
CD8+ T cellMETTL3WritercircIGF2BP3Negatively correlates with CD8+T cell responses and facilitates tumor immune[48]
METTL14WriterEbi3Negatively correlates with dysfunctional CD8+T cell levels in patients with colorectal cancer[46]
YTHDF1/2ReaderunkownPositively correlates with tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes, including CD8+ T cells[47]
FTOEraserc-Jun, JunB, and C/EBPβPositively correlates with glycolytic metabolism of tumor cells; negatively correlates with CD8+T cell responses[49]
B cellMETTL14WriterLax1, Tipe2Positively correlates with B cell maturation[52]
FTOEraserHSF1Positively correlates with tumor-promoting and pro-metastatic in multiple myeloma[53]