马锦倩, 范翩翩, 郑涛, 张琳, 陈远志, 申剑, 欧阳凤秀

Relationship among maternal gut, vaginal microbiota and microbiota in meconium and vernix caseosa in newborns
MA Jinqian, FAN Pianpian, ZHENG Tao, ZHANG Lin, CHEN Yuanzhi, SHEN Jian, OUYANG Fengxiu
图6 母亲孕晚期肠道菌群、阴道菌群、新生儿胎粪菌群门(A)和属(B)水平物种组成热图
Note: Due to the potential significant differences in relative abundance of species, sample clustering was affected. After multiplying the relative abundance by 100, a log transformation with a base of 10 was performed [y=lg(100x)]. If the relative abundance of species in the sample was 0, it would be replaced with the log value of half of the minimum value (≠0) of species abundance in all samples.
Fig 6 Species composition heatmaps at the level of phylum (A) and genus (B) in the maternal gut microbiota and maternal vaginal microbiota in late-pregnancy and neonatal meconium microbiota