马锦倩, 范翩翩, 郑涛, 张琳, 陈远志, 申剑, 欧阳凤秀

Relationship among maternal gut, vaginal microbiota and microbiota in meconium and vernix caseosa in newborns
MA Jinqian, FAN Pianpian, ZHENG Tao, ZHANG Lin, CHEN Yuanzhi, SHEN Jian, OUYANG Fengxiu
图7 母亲孕晚期肠道菌群、阴道菌群和新生儿胎粪菌群LEfSe分析进化分支图
Note: Different colors in the figure represent different microbial communities. The yellow nodes represent microbial communities that do not play an important role in the 3 groups. The green nodes represent microbial communities that play an important role in the maternal gut microbiota. The blue nodes represent microbial communities that play an important role in the maternal vaginal microbiota. The red nodes represent microbial communities that play an important role in the neonatal meconium microbiota. From the inside out, each circle consists of species at the level of phylum, class, order, family, and genus.
Fig 7 LEfSe cladogram of analysis on the maternal gut microbiota, and vaginal microbiota in late-pregnancy and neonatal meconium microbiota