心脏磁共振短轴电影成像影像组学鉴别肥厚型心肌病与健康对照 |
刘启明, 卢启帆, 柴烨子, 姜萌, 卜军 |
Short-axis cine cardiac magnetic resonance images-derived radiomics for hypertrophic cardiomyopathy and healthy control classification |
LIU Qiming, LU Qifan, CHAI Yezi, JIANG Meng, PU Jun |
图2 训练集及测试集上3D影像组学特征的 Z 分数分布箱线图 Note: Boxplot on the left side showed the distribution of feature values in training dataset. Boxplot on the right side showed the distribution of feature values in testing dataset. |
Fig 2 Boxplots of Z-score for 3D radiomic features in training and testing datasets |