基于生理药物代谢动力学模型预测氯氮平联合用药的药物相互作用 |
牟凡, 黄志伟, 程渝, 赵雪, 李华芳, 禹顺英 |
Prediction of drug-drug interactions in clozapine combination therapy based on physiologically based pharmacokinetic model |
MOU Fan, HUANG Zhiwei, CHENG Yu, ZHAO Xue, LI Huafang, YU Shunying |
图1 健康受试者多次口服100 mg氯氮平后氯氮平的药时曲线及残差图 Note: A. Plasma concentration-time curve profiles of clozapine after the administration of multiple oral 100 mg tablets in healthy adults. B. Residue plot for the model prediction of clozapine plasma concentrations in healthy adults. |
Fig 1 Plasma concentration-time curve profiles and residue plot of clozapine after multiple oral doses of 100 mg in healthy adults |